Ervin Alic
Obtenha uma rápida introdução à “Iniciativa de Inovação Suécia Brasil” e possibilidades de financiamento para projetos de inovação. Em seguida, você obterá informações úteis de especialistas sobre as diferenças entre os Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual (DPI) do Brasil e da UE e conselhos sobre como elaborar um bom acordo de consórcio.
Data: 24/09
Horário: 10:00
Get a quick introduction to “Sweden Brazil Innovation Initiative” and funding possibilities for innovation projects. After that you will get useful information from experts in IPR regarding the differences between Brazilan and EU Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and advice on how to design a good consortium agreement.
Sweden Brazil Innovation Initiative (SBII) is a collaboration between Sweden and Brazil with the aim of increasing innovation collaborations between industry and research organizations in the two countries. As a part of this collaboration, there is an open call at Vinnova, together with Brazilian EMBRAPII, to fund a number of innovation projects in the following focus areas: health, smart cities, bioeconomy and mining.
In this webinar you will get information about SBII and the various actors involved and upcoming events, but above all you will get information about intellectual property rights in Brazil and how the rules differ between Brazil and the EU, as well as an understanding of how to design a good consortium agreement and why it is important to have one in international collaborative projects, by European experts.
The webinar will be held in English.
Swedish and Brazilian companies and researchers interested in collaboration and learning more about IPR.
Giovanna Girardi, IPR expert – Latin America IP SME Helpdesk
Michele Dubbini, IP & Innovation Advisor – European IPR Helpdesk
Agenda for the webinar:
Start 15.00 CET / 10.00 BRT
– Welcome and short information about the open call for bilateral innovations projects from Vinnova (Sweden) and EMBRAPII (Brazil)
– Presentation of the different organizations involved in SBII
– IPR in Brazil (Latin America IPR SME Helpdesk)
Does protection of innovations and brands work in the same way in Brazil as in Europe? Get useful information about IPR in Brazil and an understanding of the differences in IPR between Brazilan and EU law.
– How to design a good consortium agreement (European IP Helpdesk)
Get information and gain understanding of what a consortium agreement is and why it is used in international innovation projects. Learn important knowledge about the process and get advice on what to think about when writing a consortium agreement.
– Q&A
– Information about the upcoming Matchmaking event
The 22 of October EEN Sweden and EEN Brazil will arrange a digital matchmaking event for Swedish and Brazilian companies and researchers who are interested in finding new partners for cooperation and possible partners to create a consortium for the open call.
End 16.30 CET / 11.30 BRT
About SBII and the open call
Information about the open call can be found on this page at Vinnova.
See the information meeting from Vinnova about Sweden Brazil Innovation Initiative here.
Visit the website of the Sweden Brazil Innovation Initiative (SBII) for more information about the collaboration and other events. This webinar is organized by RISE with the support of EEN, EMBRAPII, Vinnova and CISB.
About Latin America IP SME Helpdesk
The Latin America IP SME Helpdesk is a free of charge first line service whose main focus is to improve the awareness, management and protection of Intellectual Property (IP) assets of EU SMEs and SMEs from the Associated Countries that operate or intend to access the Latin American market.
The Helpdesk provides free, expert and confidential IP advice on topics such as trademark registration, patent application, design registration,… as well as different resources for learning how to manage Intellectual Property Rights in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.
The Helpdesk also organizes and participates in trainings and trade fairs all around Europe and Latin America, giving EU SMEs the opportunity to meet face to face with IP experts. The Latin America IP SME Helpdesk is an initiative of the European Commission.
About European IP Helpdesk
The European IP Helpdesk supports cross-border SME and research activities to manage, disseminate and valorise technologies and other Intellectual Property (IP) Rights and IP assets at an EU level. Offering a broad range of informative material, a Helpline service for direct IP support and on-site and online training, the European IP Helpdesk’s main goal is to support IP capacity building along the full scale of IP practices: from awareness to strategic use and successful exploitation. This strengthening of IP competencies focuses on EU SMEs, participants and candidates in EU-funded projects, and EU innovation stakeholders for an increased translation of IP into the EU innovation ecosystem.
24 sep 2020, 15:00 – 16:30
Latin America IP SME Helpdesk, European IP Helpdesk, CSIB, EMBRAPII, Vinnova, Enterprise Europe Network, Ignite Sweden, Sweden Brazil Innovation Initiative
Seminar, Web based
Free of charge
23 sep 2020
Sign up for the webinar via e-mail. Write “SBII” in the subject field.
An invitation with a link to the meeting will be sent to all registered participants the day before the event.